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Welcome Growth Partner

Growing Hope for our Neighbors

Welcome to the Seed Partners page! Here is a brief word of appreciation from our CEO, Shawn Manley. He’s standing in front of our office wall mural which depicts all of our food distribution partners across Pierce County. Feel free to reach out for a tour of our facility by emailing Shawn at

Thank you for growing hope for our neighbors! As one of our major givers, your generosity is guaranteed to make a deep impact.

Shawn Manley

“Seeing my daughters so happy and how their eyes lit up at what the Puyallup Food Bank donated to our family gave me tremendous joy and I am forevermore grateful and thankful.” -Food Bank Client

As a Growth Partner, you embody one of our core values—generosity. Not only do you provide essential services for struggling families, seniors, and others, but you help us to make an impact far beyond just food. Your partnership enables the Puyallup Food Bank to provide resource navigation and other community building services to our neighbors. These programs address the underlying causes of food insecurity—broken relationships at the individual, familial, communal and societal levels.

The purpose of this private webpage is not just to thank you and update you on happenings at the food bank. We want to encourage you on your stewardship journey, to inspire you to relate to your resources in fresh and liberating ways. Ultimately, we want to help—not just our clients, but you as well—to move toward your more hopeful future. This is a journey we’re all on together, a journey where food is the first step.