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How We Help

The Puyallup Food Bank exists to provide relief, serve generously and give hope to our neighbors. We serve fresh produce, meat, dairy, canned and frozen items directly to hundreds of families every week. Established in 1972, we are one of the oldest and largest food banks in Pierce County, distributing millions of pounds of food to over 65 community partners across Pierce County and beyond.

hands holding small strawberries
Girl Smiling holding carrots ripped photo


We are a volunteer-led and volunteer-run organization. Hundreds of volunteers work together to pick up donated food, sort produce, serve clients and help with administrative tasks. In a given year, our volunteers generously donate roughly the time equivalent of eight full-time staff! Our volunteers share a spirit of friendship and generosity as they serve, love and give to our neighbors as part of a community of hope.

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girl smiling holding carrot ripped photo


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